Free trademark search
Analysis on registration probability and registration strategies
Prosecute filing
Monitor application status or similar marks
Draft legal response to office action or official objection
Trademark renewal
Trademark assignment or amendment
Preparing and handling oppositions or cancellation
Trademark watch service
Opinion on trademark infringements, defense and passing off actions
Preliminary patent search
Analysis on registration probability and registration strategies
Technical Review & Drafting Patent Specifications
Prosecute filing
Monitor application status
Draft legal response to office action or official objection
Patent renewal
Patent assignment or licensing
Preparing and handling oppositions or cancellation
Opinion on patent infringements and defenses
Assist to get patent funding from associations
Identify valuable copyrightable assets
Analysis on registration probability and registration strategies
Secure appropriate copyright protection by application
Opinion on infringement avoidance
Legal action support on infringement or copycats
By maintaining a skilled team of associated legal attorneys, we give a hand on legal actions such as drafting warning letters, placing declaration, negotiating settlement, complex case management or other tailor-made solutions in accordance to clients' need and situation.
We provide strategic advice to help clients seek ways out from litigation matters, for more to minimize or prevent business loss by managing a high quality, knowledgeable and capable team.
Manage trade mark, patent, copyright portfolios
Watching and monitoring service
Guidance or recommendations on brand development and IP strategies